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Edugametion for Companies

A Game In Your Portfolio Makes All The Difference!

You need portfolio material
You need experience from working in a team
You need experience from working in a production

Get the expertise you might be lacking from Game Demo Project

  • Create your game or join a team
  • Based on a model created and run successfully in Finland numerous times
  • Focus on all the pain points: team work, production cycle, feedback handling, error handling, production lifecycle
  • Replicates real production in a game company
  • Mentoring and guiding from industry people included
  • Structured development phases with clear instructions
  • All our educators have 10+ years experience educating or from the industry - or both
  • All disciplines available - join as a game designer, artist, programmer, producer or business developer

We know this will work but we want to be sure! Join the test run for free!
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Founded 2019

Coalition of top Finnish Game Educators

Edugametion Founder Juha Huhtakallio

Juha Huhtakallio
Founder & CEO
Edugametion Oy

  • 20+ years Industry veteran:
    - Has made games all his life
    - 100 published games
    - 30+ industry awards (game of year x 3, editor choice and competitions)

  • Built Finland's biggest game education from scratch 2012-2018.

  • Serial entrepreneur, first start up sold 2018.

  • Board member of Finnish game industry hub Neogames as game education representative.

  • Has worked as game designer, company manager, head of studio, game programmer, incubator, mentor, discover for publishing, project manager and more, all but art :D.
Edugametion is created by Edugametion Oy from Finland, one of the top game development and education countries in the world! Edugametion Oy is founded by industry veteran Juha Huhtakallio.
Juha has worked in many roles in the industry: Game Programmer, Game Designer, Education Designer, Head of Studio, CEO and entrepreneur to name a few.

After teaching game design in all game schools in Finland since 2010, and aboard, and students succesfully entering the game industry, Juha decided to place all the material online available for anybody.

Juha's lectures have always been a combination of theory and praticality. Many of the exercises are based on real life cases making them not only challening but also extremely efficient for learning and understanding game design.

Very soon other educators from Finland would join and now Education has a strong set of materials available, and the same approach has been applied.

All educators are long time industry veterans with materials tested with time and based on content where the learning is based on real life requirements rather than endless theory.

Juha is also the creator of Game Design Canvas, a unique and very powerful tool for creating game design concepts with all required information and for super fast and powerful reviewing, used in multiple companies or game competitions already.
The site is available globally and looks to promote anyones interest in helping people get to the industry.

Our desire is to help you become a Game Developer - as it's so much fun!

Any questions or if you want to know more, feel free to contact us :)